Flowcharts & Tips

Tips & tricks:
For professional filling out the eCRF:
For randomization, we use the program Castor: . After randomizing a new patient, the tab ‘baseline’ can be filled out immediately. Make sure to prepare the survey-invitations: click the tab ‘Surveys’ at the top of the website. Click ‘Create survey invitation’ at the top right corner and click the survey package ‘Follow-up 6 months’ for the date 6 months after randomization, and the survey package ‘Follow-up 12 months’ for the date 12 months after randomization.
For the professional performing the HSG:
It is obliged to report the batch-number, RVG-code and date of expiration in the eCRF so make sure to note these. Some find it easy to take a picture of the flasks and upload these in the patient system. Please also report the used ml’s of contrast in the file.
Don’t forget to ask the patient to score their pain-level, before getting dressed.